
Police: Woman posed as high school student, snuck onto campus and passed out flyers promoting Instagram page

NORTHWEST MIAMI-DADE, FLA. – Police have arrested a woman accused of impersonating a high school student in Northwest Miami-Dade to apparently try to gain followers and fame on social media.
Officers tracked down 28-year-old Audrey Francisquini after she allegedly spent Monday morning roaming the halls of American Senior High School, in the area of Northwest 67th Avenue and 183rd Street.
“I legit have I don’t know how many cops outside right now of my house,” Francisquini said in her final Instagram story before her arrest. “I’m not going outside at all.”
“It says here she’s trying to get people to follow her on Instagram,” Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Mindy S. Glazer said in court Tuesday morning. “First of all, I don’t know how you get into the school. They have a guard at the front. You have to show your ID.”
Prosecutors allege the 28-year-old blended in with students to pass through security. While prosecutors were reading the allegations in court, Francisquini shook her head up and down.
“She was carrying a skateboard, a painting, dressed similar to students to try and blend in with — as soon as you shake your head right now,” a prosecutor said.
“Ma’am, stop doing that,” Francisquini’s public defender advised.
According to the arrest report, the 28-year-old was handing out fliers promoting her Instagram page with her phone rolling, and when she was confronted by school security, she took off.
“She was like, I think, recording some stuff in there, like some crazy stuff, and she had, like, the devil’s mask and everything,” a student said. “It’s crazy. It’s very creepy.”
The mask the student referred to was frequently shown on the 28-year-old’s social media page.
Francisquini was arrested hours later at her North Miami Beach home.
She faces charges of trespassing and interfering with a school. She was granted a $2,000 bond with orders to stay away from the school.
“If someone shoves a camera in your face, just don’t talk about this,” Francisquini’s public defender said before she left court.
Miami-Dade County Public Schools released a statement on the 28-year-old’s arrest. They called her arrest an unfortunate incident and said the matter is under review.
Francisquini was apparently working for Carnival Cruise Lines as a salesperson. The cruise line said they are looking into the matter internally and will take further action, if needed.

Raymond Simpson

Raymond Simpson is a California native, a longtime Coral Springs resident, and the Editor at TSFD. He lives with his family in Coral Springs, where you can find him on weekends running – literally running – with his two golden retrievers.

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