Local News

Cornerstone complex now under construction in downtown Coral Springs

Coral Springs, Florida – According to the city’s economic development director, the developer of the Cornerstone complex now under construction in downtown Coral Springs is aiming to complete the project by the end of 2023.
According to a draft of a recent redevelopment agency meeting summary, the complex at the southwest corner of University Drive and Sample Road is looking to reduce office space (for medical use) by 75,000-square-feet and add 170 residential units to the complex.
The initial plans for the complex have included 352 luxury apartments, 125 hotel rooms, about eight restaurants/pubs, entertainment-related businesses, and roughly 200,000-square-feet of new office space.
In May, the developer announced that the hotel will be Hyatt Place.
The economic development director told city commissioners on Wednesday, already under construction is the “multi-family” section of the project, Kristi Bartlett.
She said the hotel construction is expected to start before the end of this year. The remaining sections of Cornerstone will start construction in the spring and summer of 2022.
“The entire project is slated for completion in December 2023,” she said.

Alfred Duncan

Alfred Duncan is a senior editor at The South Florida Daily, where he oversees our coverage of politics, misinformation, health and economics. Alfred is a former reporter and editor for BuzzFeed News, National Geographic and USA Today.

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