Covid-19Local News

Booster shot now available in Miami-Dade County for first responders, health care workers, others

Miami, Florida – So far people over 65 or those with underlying medical conditions receive the booster shot for COVID-19.
Miami-Dade County is now offering the Pfizer booster to first responders and health care workers.
According to Miami-Dade County health officials, also, eligible to receive the booster shot, are food and agriculture workers, corrections workers and inmates, public transit workers, grocery store workers, and residents of homeless shelters.
To be eligible you must be 18 and received your second Pfizer shot six months ago.

Alfred Duncan

Alfred Duncan is a senior editor at The South Florida Daily, where he oversees our coverage of politics, misinformation, health and economics. Alfred is a former reporter and editor for BuzzFeed News, National Geographic and USA Today.

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