
Florida bus driver replants school garden ahead of first day

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Monday morning, bus driver Brenda Brown took it upon herself to spruce up Mount Herman Exceptional Student Center’s landscape.

Brown says she noticed a few weeks back someone had destroyed and stolen the flowers and pot that previously made up the garden. Brown purchased the planters, and Home Depot donated the flowers.

“I wanted it here this morning so when the kids get here this morning they can see someone cares enough about Mount Herman that they’re willing to come out regardless of what it is to make sure this school is beautiful to them,” Brown said.

Brown is a heart transplant recipient who says she’s on “borrowed time” and how she wants to spend that time is doing nice things for others.

Lowell Bowen

From the time he was 8 years old Lowell knew he wanted to be on TV. Well, as people say one thing leads to another, that's how Lowell started his career in the news industry. Lowell has been part of The South Florida Daily since the very beginning.

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