Cinemark offers significant savings with Discount Tuesdays

Mark Tuesdays in your schedule if you want to see movies but don’t want to spend a lot of money.
Cinemark’s Discount Tuesdays are available every week at certain locations. The price of the ticket varies depending on the location. You may check out all the local theaters in South Florida by clicking here.
In addition, members of the Cinemark Movie Rewards program earn extra discounts in addition to the one that is offered on Tuesdays.
Discount Tuesday tickets are the only ones that may be bought at the box office or online, but only on Tuesdays.
This discount is not valid for new movies debuting on Tuesdays, particularly priced engagements, or on holidays.
There is an additional fee for seeing movies in premium formats such as IMAX, DBOX, Cinemark XD, and RealD 3D.