Local News

Driver with 22 license suspensions arrested in Coral Springs

Coral Springs, Florida – During a routine traffic stop in Coral Springs a 27-year-old woman was arrested. According to court records show, the police discovered her license had been suspended 22 times.
According to an arrest affidavit, Quanisha Way, of Lauderhill, was stopped by a Coral Springs Police officer in the 2900 block of North University Drive on Nov. 17 for going 60 miles per hour in a 40 mile per hour zone.
Police ran her name and discovered the series of driver’s license suspensions, the most recent of which took effect on July 31, the affidavit states.
She was booked on charges of driving with a suspended license and speeding.
Way was taken to the Broward Main Jail and released on a $750 bond, records show.

Lowell Bowen

From the time he was 8 years old Lowell knew he wanted to be on TV. Well, as people say one thing leads to another, that's how Lowell started his career in the news industry. Lowell has been part of The South Florida Daily since the very beginning.

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