Crime & Safety

13-year-old boy fatally shot his sister and mother and sought help claiming an intruder committed the crime; broke down in tears after hearing judge’s verdict 3 years later

In a deeply unsettling case that has sent shockwaves throughout the nation, a 16-year-old boy has been sentenced to 80 years in prison for the heinous murders of his mother and sister. Committed when he was merely 13 years old, the homicides remain shrouded in mystery, with authorities and the public grappling for answers.

16-year-old Connor broke down in tears after being sentenced to 80 years in prison and two life sentences for the homicides of his mother and sister, crimes he committed when he was 13.

In September 2020, Connor took the lives of his sister, aged 15, and mother, Melissa, 39. Initially, he claimed an unknown intruder had invaded their residence and committed the murders. However, by November 2022, Connor had acknowledged his guilt and admitted to the crimes.

Law enforcement has been unable to ascertain a clear motive for these actions. Prosecutor Steven commented, “I don’t think we’ll really understand why.”

Reports indicate that Connor shot both victims multiple times in the torso, leading to their immediate deaths. After the incident, the young teen left his home, frantically seeking assistance from neighbors. He fabricated the story that an intruder had attacked and killed his family. Connor even asserted to a neighbor that he had managed to wound this fictitious assailant.

Evidence soon contradicted his claims. The weapon he showed his neighbor was linked to bullet fragments and shell casings at the scene. Furthermore, forensic investigations revealed gunshot residue on Connor. The police also found no signs of forced entry.

After Connor’s admission of guilt, Prosecutor Steven conveyed to Judge Jason the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the age of the defendant but also underscoring his responsibility to safeguard the public. Steven highlighted that they would be pursuing an 80-year sentence in total, 40 years for each count.

During the trial, there were reports of Connor being uncertain about waiving his rights. This led Judge Jason to suggest that he might have received a more lenient sentence if he had opted for a jury trial. In the words of Judge Jason, “I don’t want anybody to plead guilty who is hesitant to any degree—I would rather have every defendant [go to] trial in front of me, all the time.”

However, when Connor later sought a lesser sentence, Judge Jason was uncompromising in his response. He underscored the lost potential of Connor’s sister, who would have recently graduated from high school. The judge emphasized that while Connor sought opportunities for his future, he had deprived his sister of her own.

Despite the severe 80-year sentence, it has been noted that Connor will be eligible for parole after serving 15 years.

Alfred Duncan

Alfred Duncan is a senior editor at The South Florida Daily, where he oversees our coverage of politics, misinformation, health and economics. Alfred is a former reporter and editor for BuzzFeed News, National Geographic and USA Today.

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