Police in Coral Springs are considering spending $249,828 on a new SWAT truck

Coral Springs, Florida – To upgrade the department’s emergency response capabilities and replace its old SWAT truck, Coral Springs police are looking to spend $249,828 on a new one.
According to a city memo, the present SWAT vehicle—a 2001 model rescue truck that was adapted for tactical use almost 17 years ago—has reached the end of its life cycle and is unreliable for high-risk operations.
On Wednesday, city commissioners will cast their votes on whether to purchase a truck built by Brighton, Colorado’s Transwest Truck Trailer RV.
The document states that high-priority calls, such as those involving immediate risk to the public or police officers, are handled by the department’s SWAT unit. Regular patrol officers are not equipped to handle these situations because they require specific equipment and training.
According to the document, the team’s capacity to deliver essential equipment to the site of hazardous events in a safe and effective manner is hampered by the antiquated truck.
According to the memo, Transwest Truck Trailer RV submitted the lowest bid out of the four SWAT truck providers that the city received.
According to the document, “Trans-West’s quote for the SWAT equipment truck not only meets but surpasses the SWAT team’s needs and is significantly less expensive than the other three quotes that were submitted to the City.”