Ground-breaking ceremony for Eco-Tourism destination held Friday

On Friday, the official ground-breaking ceremony for the Cumberland Inlet Project took place in St. Marys. Camden County hopes this project will turn the old Gillman Paper Mill into an Eco-Tourism destination.
The Georgia governor, Brian Kemp, and other local leaders were present for the groundbreaking event.
The contaminated soil will need to be removed as the first step of the project. Phase I will involve building a 10-acre marina near the Meeting Street boat ramp.
“A green and sustainable message was clear but so was the message of the need for business anywhere and everywhere. Low impact development is the only way to work with nature, not against it,” said the St Marys Riverkeeper on Facebook.
The St. Marys Riverkeeper has said that it has taken part in this conversation in the past and will continue to do so in the future to “ensure that our waterways, wetlands, and the rookery are protected through conservation efforts, that community engagement and concerned voices are heard, and that resiliency efforts from the county are included in the project development.”