Sunrise man arrested with 23 pounds of marijuana, charged with intent to sell

Sunrise, Florida – Sunrise resident Corey Jay Smith, aged 29, was apprehended last evening and charged with possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute. Officers discovered over 23 pounds of marijuana in his vehicle. The 8th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office issued a press release referring to Smith as a “narcotics mule.”
At approximately 8 p.m., a Gainesville Police Department K-9 handler affiliated with the 8th Judicial Circuit-Gainesville Police Highway Enforcement Team pulled over a vehicle for driving 78 mph in a 70 mph zone. Smith was allegedly the sole occupant and driver of the vehicle.
Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer reportedly detected a potent scent of burnt marijuana emanating from within. Smith purportedly admitted to not having a Florida medical marijuana card and refused consent to search the vehicle. However, the officer explained that the odor provided probable cause for a search.
Smith allegedly conceded to having “a few pounds” of marijuana in the car but was unsure of the exact quantity, as he was merely transporting it to Alabama for an acquaintance.
A subsequent search of the vehicle reportedly uncovered two white garbage bags in the rear cargo area, containing 19 vacuum-sealed bags of marijuana (approximately 19 pounds in total). Another one-pound vacuum-sealed marijuana bag was found in a backpack in the back seat, along with a baggie containing 20.5 grams of marijuana and several burnt marijuana “blunts” in the center console.
After being read his Miranda rights, Smith allegedly confessed to knowing about the marijuana in the car and transporting it to Alabama for a friend.
Smith faces charges of possession of marijuana with intent to sell. With no prior criminal record, Judge Susan Miller-Jones set his bail at $50,000.